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Safety-Critical Software Summit

RAFIA – A Roadmap for Certifying Open Source for Use in Safety-Relevant Systems (video)

By Blog, Safety-Critical Software Summit

The Linux Foundation hosted the Embedded Open Source Summit (EOSS), a new umbrella event for open source embedded projects and developer communities to come together under one roof for important collaboration and education, in Prague, Czech Republic, on June 27-30. More than 1,300 people registered for the conference – representing 375 organizations across 56 countries around the globe.

EOSS hosted the Safety-Critical Software Summit, which was sponsored by the ELISA Project, that gathered safety experts and open source developers to enable and advance the use of open source in safety-critical applications. As part of the Summit, Paul Sherwood, Chairman of Codethink, presented a session titled, “RAFIA – A Roadmap for Certifying Open Source for Use in Safety-Relevant Systems.”


Many organizations would like to deploy open source software in safety-relevant systems, but face extreme challenges in demonstrating that the results would be safe and compliant with relevant standards such as ISO 61508 and ISO 26262.

In this video, Paul explains RAFIA (Risk Analysis, Automated Testing, Fault Injection, Mitigation and Compliance), a methodology devised by Codethink and shared in public via the ELISA Project, which helps us to establish confidence in the use of open source software to support specific safety goals and demonstrate compliance with applicable standards. The component steps of RAFIA will be covered in detail with examples, as well as lessons learned by Codethink in developing and applying the process for an embedded Linux-based operating system supporting a safety-relevant in-vehicle workload.

Click here for the presentation slides. Click here to view the other videos from the Safety-Critical Software Summit.

For more ELISA Project updates, subscribe to @ProjectElisa or our LinkedIn page or our Youtube Channel.


Real Time Linux in Safety-Critical Systems: The Potential and the Challenges (video)

By Blog, Safety-Critical Software Summit

The Linux Foundation hosted the Embedded Open Source Summit (EOSS), a new umbrella event for open source embedded projects and developer communities to come together under one roof for important collaboration and education, in Prague, Czech Republic, on June 27-30. More than 1,300 people registered for the conference – representing 375 organizations across 56 countries around the globe. 

Shuah Khan

EOSS hosted the Safety-Critical Software Summit, which was sponsored by the ELISA Project, that gathered safety experts and open source developers to enable and advance the use of open source in safety-critical applications. As part of the Summit, Elana Copperman, ELISA Ambassador, Linux Features for Safety-Critical Systems WG Chair and Systems Safety Architect at Mobileye, and Shuah Khan, ELISA Ambassador, member of the ELISA TSC and Linux Fellow at The Linux Foundation, gave a presentation titled, “RTL in Safety-Critical Systems: The Potential and the Challenges.

The Real Time Linux (RTL) collaborative project was established to help coordinate the efforts around mainlining Preempt RT and ensuring that the maintainers have the ability to continue development work, long-term support and future research of RT. The RTL project has been active in adding Preempt RT features in to the mainline kernel. It is time for a closer look on how these features can be used in Safety-Critical Systems.

In this video, we provide a brief overview of Real Time Linux and potential usage in Safety-Critical systems. In addition, we discuss how these features may be relevant to support system safety. We go over the following areas that are most relevant:

1. Tools for analysis of system workload resource usage and performance impact.

2. Kernel configs, guidelines on usage.

3. Relevant system parameters, generic and architecture specific.

4. Test frameworks and how they may be used to investigate and demonstrate safety features.

The PPT presentation can be found here or watch the video below.


Click here for the presentation slides. Click here to view the other videos from the Safety-Critical Software Summit.

For more ELISA Project updates, subscribe to @ProjectElisa or our LinkedIn page or our Youtube Channel.

Safety Certifying an Open Source Project: The Example of Xen

By Blog, Safety-Critical Software Summit

The Linux Foundation hosted the Embedded Open Source Summit (EOSS), a new umbrella event for open source embedded projects and developer communities to come together under one roof for important collaboration and education, in Prague, Czech Republic, on June 27-30. More than 1,300 people registered for the conference – representing 375 organizations across 56 countries around the globe. 

EOSS hosted the Safety-Critical Software Summit, which was sponsored by the ELISA Project, that gathered safety experts and open source developers to enable and advance the use of open source in safety-critical applications. As part of the Summit, Stefano Stabellini, Fellow at AMD, and Bertrand Marquis, Principal Software Engineer at ARM, gave a presentation titled,Safety Certifying an Open Source Project: The Example of Xen.

Safety is important to software everywhere human lives are at risk. In these environments, safety standards must be followed to minimize the risk to humans and to follow regulations. Safety standards such as ISO 26262 come with a series of requirements and processes that sometimes clash with well-established Open Source software development practices. How do we reconcile safety certifications and Open Source?

This presentation will provide some insights to answer that question, using the Xen hypervisor as an example. Xen has a micro-kernel design and provides a virtualization solution for embedded and automotive while having a code base small enough to make certifications possible. This presentation will go through the changes to upstream processes that the Xen community adopted during the last 12 months to align community activities with safety-certification requirements. It will discuss any additional changes planned for the near future. The talk will also cover the latest updates from the Xen FuSa working group on MISRA C, traceability, testing, etc. Watch the video below:

Click here for the presentation slides. Click here to view the other videos from the Safety-Critical Software Summit.

For more ELISA Project updates, subscribe to @ProjectElisa or our LinkedIn page or our Youtube Channel.

Linux in Aerospace: Objections and Paths Forward

By Blog, Safety-Critical Software Summit, Working Group

The Linux Foundation hosted the Embedded Open Source Summit, a new umbrella event for open source embedded projects and developer communities to come together under one roof for important collaboration and education, in Prague, Czech Republic, on June 27-30. More than 1,300 people registered for the conference – representing 375 organizations across 56 countries around the globe. 

The event hosted the Safety-Critical Software Summit, which was sponsored by the ELISA Project, that gathered safety experts and open source developers to enable and advance the use of open source in safety-critical applications. As part of the Summit, Peter Brink, Functional Safety Engineering Leader at Underwriter Laboratories (UL) and Steven H. VanderLeest, Chief Technologist for Boeing Linux at Boeing, gave a presentation titled, “Debating Linux in Aerospace: Objections and Paths Forward.”

Traditionally, safety-critical flight software used in aerospace is closed, proprietary code from a handful of commercial vendors. Although open-source software could provide several benefits, there are significant hurdles that prevent widespread adoption. First, we list some of the potential benefits of open source for safety-critical aerospace applications. Second, we present an overview of the key concepts and standards for flight software. Third, we identify the objections and concerns for using Linux as the avionics real-time operating system, which is software that generally needs the highest levels of assurance. For each objection, we suggest a possible path forward to address the concern.

Click here for the presentation slides. Click here to view the other videos from the Safety-Critical Software Summit.

Learn more about linux and aerospace by joining the ELISA Aerospace Working Group. For all upcoming ELISA Working Group meetings and public seminars, please go to

For more ELISA Project updates, subscribe to @ProjectElisa or our LinkedIn page or our Youtube Channel.