The Spring ELISA Workshop, which took place on April 5-7 virtually, had more than 130 global registrants that learned more about the various working groups, hot topics related to enabling linux in safety applications and networked with ambassadors. If you missed the workshop, you can check out the materials here or subscribe to the new ELISA Youtube Channel and add these sessions to your watch list.
In April, Raffaele Giannessi, Industrial PhD, and Fabrizio Tronci, Functional Safety Manager and Alessandro Biasci, Project Manager at Huawei, presented a session titled, “Hazard Analysis Application to Complex Software.” In this talk, they showcase the methodology to apply STPA to software non-physical system and application of case study on dynamic memory allocation.

Watch the video below.
If you are interested in learning more about the ELISA Project, please join us at one of the September events:
- ELISA Summit, a virtual conference happening on September 7-8 . ELISA ambassadors and leaders will offer an introductory overview of the project, more in-depth technical content, emerging trends, and hot topics related to open source software in safety-critical applications. Register to attend at no cost here:
- ELISA Forum, in-person in Dublin, Ireland on September 12. This is a co-located event with Open Source Summit Europe. ELISA Ambassadors and leaders will offer an overview of the project, the activities of the various working groups (WGs) and how the WGs interact and work together to tackle the challenges in advancing open source in safety-critical systems and bridge the gap between functional safety and Linux kernel development velocity. There will also be in-depth updates for the System-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) methodology to a sample use case and a Q&A session. Pre-registration is required. To register for ELISA Forum, add it to your Open Source Summit Europe registration.