Written by Elana Copperman, ELISA project ambassador and System Safety Architect at Mobileye (Intel)
This blog has been updated with the video from the Linux Security Summit (LSS), which took place on September 29-October 1.
Are you attending the upcoming Embedded Linux Conference (ELC) on September 27-30 or the Linux Security Summit (LSS) on September 29-October 1? This year, attendees have the option of joining the conference on-site in Seattle, Washington or virtually from their homes and workplaces.

As an ELISA ambassador, I will be representing the ELISA Project on Thursday Sept 30 at 11:05 am PDT in a virtual presentation titled “Where do Security and Safety Meet?”

Security and Safety have common goals, yet often follow divergent development paths. We will take a look at various Linux features which were originally designed for security, investigating if/how these features may be relevant to enable safety critical applications.
For example, we’ll discuss:
- Memory protection features
- Isolation techniques and FFI (Freedom From Interference)
- Timing and execution
- ebpf and profiling
- Safety extensions to Linux drivers
I will present practical implications – focusing on where security and safety meet and where they don’t meet. The presentation, which is intended for experienced software developers and architects, will focus on how these features may be used in real systems. The goal is to spark discussion on how safety mechanisms may be designed in Linux-based safety critical systems, by learning from solutions in the security domain. Watch the video below or check out the presentation here.
Click here to register for the Linux Security Summit or here to learn more about the conference.