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Space Grade Linux Survey Results

By March 12, 2025Blog, Space Grade Linux

The Space Grade Linux Special Interest Group addresses the challenges of space, which often includes a long lifespan for robotic or human-based missions. From development to deployment there are multiple considerations that need to be considered. Hosted under the ELISA Project, the new SIG is a step towards creating an ecosystem of supported platforms and a collaborative community.  Kate Stewart, Vice President of Dependable Embedded Systems, and Ramon Roche, General Manager of Dronecode Foundation, at the Linux Foundation presented survey results in the last ELISA Workshop, hosted at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, from December 10-12, 2024.  The survey showcased feedback about Linux in Space with the target of recruiting more members.


Watch the video below or check out the presentation here.

The ELISA Workshop, which had than 30 in-person and 40 virtual attendees, brought together experts from various organizations, including ELISA Project member companies such as Red Hat, and Bosch, as well as representatives from NASA, Wind River, TelePIX, the Linux Foundation and more. This diverse group of professionals engaged in discussions and presentations on advancing Linux systems for space-grade applications.

Check out the ELISA Workshop @ NASA Youtube playlist to watch other videos or access the materials on the ELISA Project’s directory.

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