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ELISA Spring 2022 Workshop

By February 16, 2022Blog, Workshop

Today, the ELISA Project is excited to announce the Spring 2022 Workshop will take place virtually on April 5-7 and has opened a Call for Proposals (CFP) as well as registration.

The ELISA Workshop series is focused on the exchange of ideas and feedback from the Linux kernel and Safety communities, as productive collaboration to make tangible progress toward achieving the mission and goals of the ELISA Project. The workshops also provide project and working group overviews for new community members who are interested in advancing topics relevant to functional safety and Linux applications.

Submit a CFP

To encourage open collaboration and stimulate discussions, we invite our members, developers, and industry experts to submit a speaking proposal by March 4. Submit a speaking proposal here:

Register today

It is free to attend ELISA Workshops but we require registration. Register here.

Missed the November Workshop?

Philipp Ahmann, ELISA Project Ambassador and Technical Steering Committee member, recapped the successful event and highlighted a few of the sessions. You can read the blog or watch the videos here.

If you have any questions about the event, please reach out to