exida is hosting another symposium on automotive safety October 12 – 14, 2022 at the Arabella Alpenhotel Spitzingsee in Germany.
New regulations from the European Commission are expected later this year. This will certainly increase the technical expectations placed on those developing, testing, releasing and approving highly automated vehicles that can drive everywhere and in all conditions.
exida is extremely pleased to invite expert contributions to our annual symposium representing key industry experts and thought leaders including:
- Gabriele Paoloni, Chair of the ELISA Project Governing Board and Open Source Community Technical Leader at Red Hat, will give an overview about ELISA (Enabling Linux in Safety Critical Applications).
- Gabriele will also give a presentation about “An Innovative ISO26262-certified Architecture OS Solution for the Automotive Sector.”
- Gabriele Paoloni, Robert Paccapeli, Herald Ruckriegel, Red Hat (an ELISA Project member) will give a presentation “Bringing Innovation into the Automotive Ecosystem – How Red Hat is Supporting Initiatives and Communities.”
- Michael Armbruster, Lukas Bulwahn (a member of the ELISA Project TSC), Simon Friedmann, Julian Ott, Jens Petersohn from Elekrobit will give a presentation about “Modeling and Arguing Fault Propogation in Complex Mixed-Criticality and Mixed-Compliance Software Systems.”
- Dr. Christophe Temple, ELISA Project Governing Board member and Lead Safety & Reliability Architect at ARM, will give a presentation about “Constructing Complex Systems from SEooCs.”
- Prof. Dr. Moritz Weling, BMW Group (an ELISA Project member), will give a presentation about “Sensitivity Analysis within the Prospective Safety Integrity Framework.”
- Dr. Francesc Fons, Huawei Technologies (an ELISA Project member), will give a presentation about “Reliable In-Vehicle Networks through inline Processing of Safety Mechanisms Embedded in Networking SoCs.”
- Alexandar Camek, BMW Group (an ELISA Project member) will give a presentation about “A Linux Based Cybersecurity System for an Autonomous Platform.”
- Paul Sherwood, Codethink (an ELISA Project member) will give a presentation about “Improving Safety through Deterministic Construction.”
- Robert Paccapeli, Red Hat (an ELISA Project member) will give a presentation about “Building a Succesful FuSa Storty: The Four Red Hat In-Vehicle Operating System Pillars.”
Learn more and register here: https://www.exida.com/2022/exida%20Automotive%20Symposium%202022_V1.pdf